The Acknowledement
We would like to give everyone who's stuff we used credit for making this page as great as it is.
Barlowe- For his paintings that we used on our pages: The Lustful, Wrathful and Sullen, The Hypocrites, R. Phlegethon, and Violence
Blake- For the painting that we used on our Violence Towards God page
Dali- For his paintings that we used on our pages: R. Acheron, The Gluttonous, Spenders and Hoarders, Violence Towards Others, and Violence Towards Art
Dante- For the quotes we used from the Inferno
Davis- For the painting which we used on our Celtic page
De Lune- For the painting that we used on our Limbo page
Fujishima- For the angel on the Exit page
Michelangelo- For his painting that we used on our Ancient Greek- Hades page.
Pini- For her plate "The Lure", which we used for our Seducers, Panderers, and Flatterers page.
Rodin- For his Gates of Hell
There are many pictures on our page that we don't know who made them. There is no disrespect meant if these artists are not mentioned on this page. If you know who the artist is of one of these unknown paintings, we would appreciate it if you e-mailed us with this information. No copyright infringement is intended.
This is not meant to be an acurate interpretation of Dante's Inferno. We have twisted it around to make it our own version of Hell.
E-mail us at [email protected] and [email protected]